Urban Canopy is a premier provider of arboricultural services in and around the metropolitan area of New Orleans, Louisiana. We are a company dedicated to the advocacy of trees. We climb, prune, plant, and remove them. Our services range from the obvious to the esoteric. Although our work centers on the climbing, rigging, and aerial access of trees, we also use cranes and aerial man lifts. The services that we provide include the implementation of risk management strategies, through the installation of cabling and bracing technology, to help our clients manage hazardous trees as these trees mature. Field crews stake and guy newly planted trees, as well as unstable trees, which require guidance and direction so that they can grow up to be healthy and mature members of our urban canopy. Our technicians install lightning protection systems in select trees, with the intention of providing harm-reduction from lightning strikes. Through our use of natural and mechanical techniques, we engage in the rehabilitation of damaged soil structures and manage conflicts that tree roots present in an urban environment. Coupling best management practices with harm-reduction strategies, we perform root pruning, soil aeration, nondestructive soil excavation, fertilization, micronutrient and microorganism reintroduction. Temperamental stump removal and eradication are no match for the Herculean crew at Urban Canopy.